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Strange things and customs that make Italy a unique place

 Strange things and customs that make Italy a unique place

When people talk about Italy, the first things that come to mind are pasta, pizza, shopping in one of the world's fashion capitals, Milan, and an enchanting UNESCO heritage site. But locals may say that Italy is much more than these things and in this article, you may find some things and traditions that you did not see in other countries.

Did you know, for example, that Italians throw their furniture on Christmas Eve or around its cursed and haunted islands? 

In the following lines, we have collected for you some interesting things and traditions in Italy that you may not have heard of before.

Take the furniture out of the window

On New Year's Eve, people in some countries try to complete their last tasks, for example, buying any gifts left on their list. But the Italians have an unusual tradition on this day: they throw pots, pans, and even furniture out of the windows. This verb symbolizes getting rid of the old to open the door to a new beginning.

The cursed island of Isola Della Gaiola

One of the small islands of Naples, Isola Della Gaiola, is undoubtedly beautiful but creepy. The locals call it the Cursed Island because of the numerous deaths of its owners. Its first inhabitant who lived a solitary life one day disappeared without any signs, the next one died of a heart attack, and another died from suicide. And these are just some of the cases. After all these events, the island is currently uninhabited and desolate.

Dinner late

Italians eat dinner very late, and many restaurants don't open until 7-7:30 pm. Depending on the region, people eat here around 9 pm. This trend can be explained by the fact that Italians have a long two-hour break in the middle of the working day, so they also delay eating.

Peel the fruit before eating it

People in Italy usually do not eat fruit, such as apples, pears, and peaches with the skin on. Instead, they first peel it off, which most foreigners find unusual. The explanation for this is that Italians want to eat healthy food and believe that the pesticides applied to it are not removed properly, even after washing.

Wearing red underwear for luck

Italians not only choose festival costumes to celebrate the New Year but also make sure that their underwear is a certain red color. Here both males and females wear red underwear on New Year's Eve, as this color is considered to attract luck.

You may find the same tradition in many Latin countries, however, people wear yellow underwear instead of red. In those local cultures, yellow is believed to bring love and happiness.


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See in pictures  around the world

We always come across in our lives scenes or pictures of extraordinary or unique scenery. Below we offer you a unique collection, especially from the site of the best world of pictures of strangeness and wonders of the world to get to know God’s creatures and wonders in this universe. You see in the following pictures beautiful, sometimes painful, and strange pictures in Sometimes we wish you good times from the Ahla Alam website.

Let's start with the pictures:

This picture is classified within a group of pictures of the strangeness and wonders of the world. In one of the parks, he found a picture of a beard with two complete heads, each with its own movements.
The most unusual offers around the world are what a famous Ukrainian store that sells mobile phones has done, offering everyone who changes his name on the passport to “iPhone” and his nickname to “seven” will get an iPhone 7 for less than a dollar. 

In the province of Mongolia in China, there is a city in which there are no women and all its inhabitants are men, this city claims “your death” and Chinese women are not allowed to cross the borders of this city, its women leave every year for trade and return a very few days to their husbands before they leave the city again, and from It is worth noting that the streets of this city are very quiet, beautiful and always clean. 

According to the Native Americans, when a woman gives birth, she does not lie in her bed for the period of postpartum bleeding, as is the custom of women, but her husband lies in bed for this period instead of her, to deceive the evil spirits and keep them away from his wife, so that she does not harm her.

The ancient Egyptians worshiped more than 1,400 deities during the Pharaonic era.
The largest country in the world in terms of the number of pyramids in Sudan, not Egypt.
The Statue of Liberty was originally made to be placed in Egypt and not in the United States of America as it is now.

France has a population of 60 million people, and the number of tourists who come to visit France every year exceeds its population.

54% of people use Google to search, and 46% use it to ensure that their Internet connection is working properly.

Japan is the only country that has passed a law punishing obesity and preventing citizens from being overweight.

The strangest and shortest message in history is a message written by the Indian artist Gangram Sunny on a single grain of rice, and it took a whole month to write this message consisting of 42 words and written in 25 lines.

In the thirties of this century, Singapore officially employed a group of monkeys, as company officials noted that monkeys have a superior ability to pick coconuts from tall trees that are difficult to climb and require great effort and time.

Scientists have discovered that in the event of the disappearance of bees or their extinction from the earth, life will disappear completely on the globe in only 4 years.
The interference that you see on the TV screen while not picking up a particular channel is the result of the radio rays left by the Big Bang in the past.

The most expensive house in the world is in India, and it is worth a billion US dollars and is owned by a famous Indian businessman.
